How Data ScientistsWork Together With Domain Experts in Scientific Collaborations: To Find The Right Answer Or To Ask The Right Question?

Human-AI Collaboration in Data Science: Exploring Data Scientists' Perceptions of Automated AI

Out-of-Domain Detection for Low-Resource Text Classification Tasks

What Can Gestures Tell? Detecting Motor Impairment in Early Parkinson's from Common Touch Gestural Interactions

All Work and No Play?

Face Value? Exploring the Effects of Embodiment for a Group Facilitation Agent

Implicit Detection of Motor Impairment in Parkinson's Disease from Everyday Smartphone Interactions

Projecting Life Onto Robots: The Effects of Cultural Factors and Design Type on Multi-Level Evaluations of Robot Anthropomorphism

Hacking with NPOs: Collaborative Analytics and Broker Roles in Civic Data Hackathons

Synchronous Collaborative Writing in the Classroom: Undergraduates' Collaboration Practices and their Impact on Writing Style, Quality, and Quantity